Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Perfect Heisman

I did not win any of the prizes in the ESPN The Shot photo contest, but I still feel good that ESPN one of of my favorites as their headline graphic.  Maybe next year...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tewaaraton Award Banquet

This was my third year covering the The Tewaaraton Awards for Inside Lacrosse and I enjoy learning more about the history of the game and its roots with American Indian heritage. The Tewaaraton Award is recognized as the pre-eminent lacrosse award honoring the top female and male varsity collegiate lacrosse player in the United States (think Heisman Trophy, only for Lacrosse). 

I guess this also ends the official lacrosse season for me.   The sport is great with freezing early games to the 140 degree field last weekend at M&T Bank stadium for the NCAA finals. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

4 Seconds and it is Over

Two different set of emotions in the final frames from the weekend.  The looks on the Notre Dame players faces as they watch the reply of the overtime Duke says it all.   Also, love the cameras in the frames trying to get the Duke celebration, I guess I am just taller than the rest to get the view of all the cameras.  Scott Rodgers really shows his leadership after the game in telling his team mates to pick-up their heads and walk-off the field as winners. Go Irish!